How Gwyneth Is Gearing Up for Fall

GP wore the goop University Sweatshirt on Zoom, so we wore the goop University Sweatshirt on Zoom. It’s something of an occupational hazard. And while she claims she may never be ready to start dressing up again, these cozy sweaters, sumptuous leathers, and a flannel dress so soft “you could sleep in that thing” have her—and frankly, all of us—really warming to the idea.

Gwyneth Paltrow smiling


“I’ve really enjoyed being in non-dress-up mode for the past six months,” says GP. “I’m a big sweater person, and I love layering.” For optimal results, tuck a bustier-style knit tank into a paper-bag waist and leave a few Foundrae chains jingling around your neck.

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