Vitamixes, Floss, and Salt Scrub: Our Desert Island Picks

The task was to choose a desert island item, no other instructions. For some of us at goop, this meant picking the products we love the most that’d we miss if we were truly stuck on an island, even if they were a bit unpractical. For others, this meant scrolling the site for actual island adventure needs—sunscreen, bathing suits, books—because, as they say, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. And then there were the few who took it upon themselves to try to survive on the imaginary island. For legal reasons: We’re joking when we say you can live off of body butter, GOOPGLOW superpowder, and Cocofloss.


“I love the G.Tox scrub’s frothy lather and how fresh and clean and soft my hair and scalp feel after I shampoo with it.

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